Is going abroad for higher studies 

and living a better life considered 


 Dr Ashok Banga

                                                                                                       This question haunts many adolescents now than ever before. Parents are really in a fix and society is also equally divided on this issue. Let us see, what seems right?

What is patriotism? Patriotism is the love that people feel for their country. It is an attachment to the homeland and loyalty that follows. 

Is only ‘being in the country’ patriotism? Working for the family, society, and country being with them physically is not the absolute requirement and is not always possible.

On the other hand, many people ‘living in the country’ are selfish, self-centred, or outright dishonest and do not think or do any good to the country.

Let us see the same question the other way round.

Why do people migrate to other countries?

Migration inside the country and from one country to another is not a recent phenomenon. The whole history is replete with examples.

Why do people migrate from village to city, a small city to metros, and from one country to another? Reasons can be one or more of the following four:

• To earn a livelihood (money)

• To gain knowledge (higher studies, expertise, research)

• For better living conditions

• To gain fame

What is the difference between migrating from a poor village in Bihar to Mumbai or migrating from a poor village in Kerala to Dubai when survival in a village is the issue?

Earning better is a basic need for many. Money earned in some countries may have more value in our country by money parity. And why is earning more and creating wealth considered bad if that money is used for the good of the society?

People have always been migrating to ‘centres of excellence’ to gain knowledge. It may be within the country or outside. Students from villages come to cities for better education. Students from Gwalior move to Delhi or Kota for better coaching. Then how and why it becomes wrong to move to the USA for higher and specialized studies? Can you blame artists migrating to Paris to master their art? Why is it wrong to learn mechanical science from Germans if they are masters in that? Should you not learn from US universities doing high-end research?

Another big reason is a caste-based reservation and widespread corruption in the Indian education and examination system that mars one’s chances of progress forever. How can you blame some sufferer moving to the land of equal opportunities and meritocracy?

Better living conditions are one but not the only consideration when people move out. Bad living conditions, nonavailability of basic amenities, and lack of education and health facilities are definitely disincentives if one has the options. Worsening law and order situation compels people to move to better places. Tolerating such inefficiency of the system even after 70 years of independence in the name of patriotism cannot be justified. Meritocracy, an increasingly globalized world, corruption free society and cultural assimilation are definite ‘pull-factors’.

Leaving the country to gain fame has become a less important reason. ‘Foreign return’ label has lost its sheen unless other qualities are attached.

As long as there is a gradient in levels, people will keep on migrating. Even when the whole world becomes equal, migration will not come to zero. In that case, they will move places for better weather, water supply, natural beauty, and many more ‘non-basic’ needs.

Pros and Cons of Adolescents moving abroad


1. Great opportunity to travel in a new country 

2. Chance to live in a different culture, environment etc. whereby one can see a different way of life. 

3. Gaining independence – While one might not be completely financially independent from parents (if at all), he will pick up necessary life skills from learning to do his chores diligently, to paying the bills on time, to learning how to cook more than just instant noodles for every single meal. He starts to rely on himself and grow as a person out of necessity.

4. Stepping out of the comfort zone -This move challenges one with the opportunity to build new friendships and build a new family.

5. Opportunity for a future for self – After graduation, one might get the opportunity to stay in the new country for work or for further studies etc. This is an opportunity that might change his life.


1. Missing the relationships back home

2. He/she will realise that parents and grandparents have grown old. He may think, If I don’t spend time with them now, then when?

Also, there is merit to the term spreading your wings – with the independence can come a period in your life when you stretch to find your own potential. As for the settling down overseas – this is a question that you will have more time to think about. 

Is working abroad unpatriotic?

Yes, if;

• One becomes so selfish that he/she forgets his family, society, and country totally.

• Amasses wealth for own

• Thinks and works against the people and country to which he/she used to belong.

No, if

• One works there but belongs to his/her country.

• Remains connected with roots.

• Benefits his/her country by means of knowledge, technical help, and remittances.

• Reverse brain-drain and brain re-distribution that brings best of the world knowledge, technology and money back to the mother country

• Helping his/her countrymen in that country.

• Being a good human being, abiding by the law of land, respecting the country where he/she works, and thus being the brand ambassador for his /her country.


Gandhi, Nehru, and many others lived and studied in other countries but proved to be great patriots.

Israel became so great and advanced because of thousands of Jews who studied and researched in top US universities before coming back.

One does not qualify to be patriotic just being in own country. Anyone can be patriotic, living anywhere in the world and doing whatever. Answer is in being good and doing good, for self, for the family, for the society, and for the mother country, wherever you are. 

Choosing the birthplace was not our option but choosing the work place may be. And moreover, this nation-state thing has been created by us only. One can choose to ignore it. All of us are ‘Earthlings’._

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